What's in a Name?

A Very Snug Joiner 
People have asked if the title of the record is some kind of obscure drug reference. The answer is no, 
Snug the Joiner is a minor character in A Midsummer's Night Dream, a play written by William Shakespeare 
 in the late 1500s. The action takes place in Athens the night before the wedding of Theseus, 
Duke of Athens and Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons. Over the course of the night many plots unfold 
involving both Athenians and inhabitants of the spirit world. 
A group of workers, referred to as “hempen homespuns, rude mechanicals”, decide to put on a play 
before the wedding, “The most lamentable comedy and most cruel death of Pyramus and Thisbe”. 
The leader of the group, Peter Quince assigns Snug (back then a joiner was a cabinet maker), the role 
of the Lion. This leads Snug to ask, “Have you the lion’s part written? Pray you, if it be, give it me, for I 
am slow of study”. “You may do it extempore”, says Quince, “for it is nothing but roaring”. Snug is 
concerned that the ladies in the audience will think he is a real lion and be afraid of him, so the night 
of the performance he gives a speech explaining that he's not a lion at all but just Snug and please 
don't be afraid. What does this have to do with Mad Timothy? No idea. It was a name that sounded 
like it meant something and that was good enough for us. 

Mad Timothy 
Yes, totally a drug reference. Timothy is a variety of grass. Back then it would have been bad form to call the band Marijuana, so we 
used this home grown euphemism.